Delhi recorded the highest temperature in India recently; 52.3° C making it the highest ever in the country!!!
The deteriorating effects of Air Pollution and Global warming have become a looming concern. This is the high time we consider "Air Pollution" a problem.
Amidst these intense heat waves and extremely bad air quality, "Air Purifiers" can significantly enhance Indoor AQI ensuring an unpolluted and refreshing environment, but their role is often overlooked especially in Indian society.
From smart technologies to eco-friendly designs, the future of clean air is undergoing a transformative evolution.
With uBreathe Air Purifier, we bring to you the future of an Air purification system that parallels sustainability and green technology ensuring a safe environment and creating a better place to live.

'Urban Munnar Tech' in uBreathe's Air Purifier
The Falcon Ring
The uBreathe air purifiers use a unique technology. A fan is attached to the Falcon ring, which draws air through a tiny aperture, creating a low-pressure environment. This creates a multiplying effect that efficiently cleans the air by drawing in more of it.
Initial low-pressure area
Air is pulled in and adheres to the inside surface. This creates a low-pressure area.
Second amplification layer
More air is drawn in by the suction in the center of the Falcon ring to be cleansed.
Third amplification layer
As air leaves the ring, the phenomenon of vortex shedding occurs near the tip, bringing in additional air from the surroundings and enhancing the draft.
Fourth amplification layer
The Magneto device beneath the plant pot bends the airflow, further increasing airflow and accelerating the purification process.
The Munnar Effect
The combination of the Falcon and Magneto effects creates the Munnar Effect, presumably enhancing the overall air purification efficiency.

uBreathe Patented Breathing Roots Technology

"The technology works through the air-purifying natural leafy plant. The room air interacts with leaves and goes to the soil-root zone where maximum pollutants are purified. The novel technology used in this product is the 'Urban Munnar Effect' along with patent-pending "Breathing Roots" to exponentially amplify the phytoremediation process of the plants. Phytoremediation is a process by which plants effectively remove pollutants from the air."
- Times of India, Patiala
What is Breathing Roots Technology?
uBreathe’s patented Breathing Roots technology enables polluted air to pass through the soil and root region of the plant.
The plant’s roots interact with the air, effectively removing PM10, PM2.5, and TVOCs (Total Volatile Organic Compounds).
In fact, the plant does the majority of the cleaning!
This way, uBreathe not only purifies the air but also promotes sustainability.
uBreathe eye-catching Aesthetic
Air purifier plants
uBreathe air purifier comes with a plant which adds more to its design. These plants are very carefully selected based on their air-purifying qualities, for instance, snake plant, peace lily, etc.
Eco-Friendly Design
uBreathe air purifiers are designed to be a sustainable and eco-friendly choice. It consumes minimal energy, is made of environmentally friendly materials, and reduces the need for disposable filters.
Stylish Design
The sleek and modern design of uBreathe air purification systems such as uBreathe Mini, uBreathe Life, uBreathe Lite, and more blend seamlessly with your home or office decor and it is using indoor plants for air purification.
Gentle Mood Light
The uBreathe air purifiers come with a gentle mood light. This light feature adds subtle detail to your space, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the natural air purifier.
