S M O G.
What Is Smog?
While no government or research institute officially provides a quantitative measure of the cost of smog to the society, it is definitely a huge burden that continues to be accrued on people. In thsi article, we will be giving a few basic tips to prevent respiratory organ damage due to hazardous AQI levels In Delhi
Smog is simply air pollution that reduces visibility. It’s a combination of two words – ‘smoke’ and ‘fog’ and started being commonly used in the early 1900s. It is produced when sunlight reacts with nitrogen oxides (emitted from vehicles, factory emissions, and coal power plants)and VOCs (emitted from gasoline, paints and many cleaning solvents). While there are precautions being taken to reduce smog, here are some protective measures that can reduce the effect of smog on us.
Staying indoors on smog-hit days is the best practice that everyone should follow. Public transport is the best way to cut short distances and not burn excessive fuel.
1. Limit your outdoor activities
AQI is high – outdoor activity in restricted areas must be done only if required or cannot be postponed or cancelled. In terms of your regular lifestyle – limit outdoor activity in general. For example, if you like going for a run outside, try doing a few workout routines inside your home or in a less toxic environment.
Also, its best to avoid any new activity - the impact of which you may not be able to contemplate in advance.
2. Cleaning indoor air
We need to have access to clean, unclogged air filters in our air purifiers. It's best to buy an air purifier which doesn't need filter changes.
When there is a situation, with high AQI, we must act quickly and not damage our systems.
A chimney is capable to remove the smoke form your kitchen, and reduces energy use. It's light, flat, easy to clean and definituely reduces indoor air pollution
Household energy use and greenhouse gas emissions have decreased over the past decade and a half, thanks largely to a dramatic reduction in residential energy consumption.
3. Replacing a regular light bulb
Because of the extra coal - a major source of mercury pollution - that is burned in order to light an incandescent bulb, this form of lighting leads to roughly 3 times more mercury being released into the atmosphere compared with a CFL bulb.
4. Surrounding yourself with clean air
Making sure the air around you is clean is your responsibility. You can prepare for it, with air purifiers, plants or with the world's first smart plant-based air-purifier created by scientists in India. You can also ensure sealing any leakages through the doors and windows. The HEPA filter price may or may not be a bit too much to pay in rupees, however it does cost the environment A LOT!
5. Choosing effective face protection
A mask is not just for COVID-19. It's for you to protect yourself from any chemical that will react and erode your body after it comes into contact with your body.
6. Not indulging in burning wood or trash
Burning trash is not the right way to dispose it off. It can release various harmful toxins in the air that we breathe. These toxins will, directly, or indirectly harm us. Acid rains are cause due to burning waste at an industrial level.
Power plants release the majority of sulfur dioxide and much of the nitrogen oxides when they burn fossil fuels, such as coal, to produce electricity. In addition, the exhaust from cars, trucks, and buses releases nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide into the air. These pollutants cause acid rain. - EPA.gov
Acid rains and toxic spills have pummeled most of the northern hemisphere in recent years, and acidification was supposed to help. Higher ocean acidity is linked to coastal devastation.
7. Being aware of AQI (Air Quality Index) levels
If you are aware of the AQI every day, its easier for you to measure the intensity of the harm that can be caused. This can help you plan your day better, and probably encourage you to stay indoors in case of AQIs above 300. This is the case in Delhi NCR at the moment - which is why schools and colleges may also have been cancelled.
8. Staying hydrated Maintaining the hydration levels in your body are extremely important. This means water, juices and any other liquids that can help you stay hydrated.
Health and wellness expert Dolly Kumar, and founder of GAIA suggested keeping the body hydrated and drinking more water than usual during this time. One can also consume vegetable and fruit juices.
The least you must do to protect yourself and your loved ones, is to buy an air-purifier today!
Ubreathe mini is a product developed by Urban Air Labs (UAL) for home and office users. UAL products and solutions are designed & manufactured in India. The cost of an air purifier (price), Delhi is about Rs. 40,000. However, you can buy an air purifier in Delhi for less than Rs. 5,000.